Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Happy Birthday Mom


So, isn't it just too ironic how I decided to finally start a blog as a means to fill my spare time during the week that ends up been the busiest I've had in a while. Anyway, my fingers are back to pounding the keyboard and man does it feel good. Today’s post is dedicated to my lovely mum who celebrated her, dare I say it, 60th Birthday last week. I would like to state for the record that she is the most gorgeous 60 year old I have ever seen and doesn't look a day over 45 ,but never the less, it was a milestone that had to be celebrated. I credit myself for being the one who kept her so young all these years. ;) In a way, that only my family can, we put together the most fantastic party in our garden, filled with blue fairy lights, sushi, champagne and a group of the most entertaining people; it truly was the most magical evening.  My mum, has been through a lot; losing my dad, surviving breast cancer, raising a family on her own, building up a now very successful flower business to name a few, have been some of the challenges the she has so courageously endured. To say that I am extremely proud of her, is putting it mildly. She is my rock in every way and is constantly inspiring me with her beauty, grace and passion for life. She lives each day to its fullest and manages to put a smile on every face that comes in contact with her. She is beautiful in every sense of the word, and I owe her the world for everything she has sacrificed for me and for all that she has given me.  With that I say, never take advantage of the love that your mothers have for you, love them like you hope your children will in turn love you and never let them forget how much they have given you, for even if it hasn't been much, they gave you life and for that, you can be eternally grateful. Thank you, I love you mom.

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