Thursday 1 December 2011


Ever catch yourself starring out of the window, your mind wondering around thoughts that have no particular connection to what you were actually or should actually be doing? It happens to me often, more often than not in fact, although my thoughts don’t always dance around other thoughts, they kind of just sit still, I really like to just not think sometimes, it calms me. That however is the problem, when I’m really stressed, I go into my ‘calming’ mode and I just completely zone out. I sit there, completely motionless, staring out the window, thinking about nothing in particular and I end up just letting my work load pile on. I’m a Pisces, so therefore a dreamer by definition, I can sit for hours completely entertained by the wonderful thoughts that fill my mind, or those that don’t, I can browse the internet for hours, allowing things to catch my eye, inspire me and then lead me to dream of a million more things, a chain reaction that leaves me quite frankly exhausted but I love it. I think one’s ability to think and to sit quietly with one’s own thoughts is so beautifully magical. Your private thoughts are so wonderful because they are just that, private. They are thoughts that no one will ever know, unless you share them of course, and it is those private conversations, that we so often have with ourselves, that I truly feel are what get some people through their day. I am surrounded by amazing people and I love to spend time with them but I believe that it is not until one is able to sit quietly with their thoughts and converse with them, that they have ‘discovered’ themselves and the beauty that comes with truly knowing yourself, who are and who you want to be. Discovering who you are comes with allowing your mind to tell you who it wants to be and what thrills it, it comes with listening.  So I dedicate this post to all the dreamers out there, to all those playful thoughts, those wishes upon stars and those private conversations. People may look at us and assume that we are unable to concentrate on what’s in front of us but only we know that that’s not the case, we just happen to find our thoughts more entertaining! Keep dreaming, keep believing and keep inspiring yourself to think!

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